
  • Shittu Abdulazeez Balogun International Islamic University Malaysia, Malaysia


Shari’ah, Islam, Muslims, non-Muslims, da’wah


Islam as a way of life guides mankind on how to be true Khalifah
(vicegerent) of Allah on earth, by providing all instructions needed
to weather the storm of all impediments associated with life on this
planet, so as to be successful in this world and the next. As the Shari’ah
elucidates criteria for success here and in the hereafter, humankind
is always tempted by the Shaytan (Devil) to do the contrary in order
to deprive him of the endless bliss of paradise. This paper attempts
at unveiling some of the unwholesome activities frowned on by the
Shari’ah, which are rampant among Muslims, who are described
by Allah (SWT) as the best of mankind. ‘Charity begins at home,’
as a popular saying goes. The reason why the paper focuses on the
Muslims alone is that if the set of people expected to be torchbearers
are themselves found wanting, what will be the fate of the entire
human race? The paper therefore tries to draw attention to some of
the activities that may result in punishment by the Almighty, which
at the same time militate against effectiveness of da’wah activities,
which also revolve around misinterpretation and misapplication of the
divine instructions contained in the Shari’ah. Building on information

in the literature, the paper also relies on personal experiences and
observations of the author in Nigeria. In conclusion, the paper calls
on believers to ensure that their actions match their words so as to be
good examples for others to emulate, thus portraying Islam in a good
image to the outside world.


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How to Cite

Balogun, S. A. (2009). REFLECTIONS ON ANTI-SHARI’AH PRACTICES AMONG MUSLIMS. Jurnal Syariah, 17(1), 153–168. Retrieved from