Is It Relevant to Offer Microtakaful to the Elderly in Cooperation with the Department of Social Welfare (JKM)?


  • Asiah Kamal University of Malaya, Malaysia
  • Ahmad Azam Sulaiman@Mohamad University of Malaya, Malaysia
  • Mohammad Taqiuddin Mohamad University of Malaya, Malaysia



senior citizens, Department of Social Welfare (JKM), microtakaful, perlindungan tenang, Central Bank of Malaysia (BNM)


Malaysia is expected to reach an aged population by 2030. Currently, micro takaful under the “Perlindungan Tenang†initiative, does not promote the participation of the elderly in line with the increasing life expectancy of the country. This is mainly due to the link between the high risk of age-related-illness. For the microtakaful offering segment, takaful operators should not expect immediate profit. Therefore, the study was conducted to look at collaboration opportunities between takaful operators and the Department of Social Welfare (JKM) by offering microtakaful to senior citizens in the country. Befittingly this collaboration has allowed for the government department, JKM, to provide direct service to senior citizens. Thus, field studies were conducted with JKM, takaful operators and the Central Bank of Malaysia (BNM). Interviews with JKM involved a group of senior citizens, and also members of the productive welfare and a sample of the community. Interviews with takaful operators included AIA Public Takaful in the Product Marketing Department, Prudential BSN Takaful under microtakaful and CSR Department and IKHLAS Takaful in the Bancatakaful Department. Interviews with BNM were conducted with the Islamic Banking and Takaful Department. The offering of microtakaful to senior citizens living in institutions under the JKM and senior citizens receiving financial assistance ie “Bantuan Orang Tua (BOT)†is made possible through funds from zakat, waqf and CSR in the form of non-commercial microtakaful. Whereas senior citizens living in the community can be offered commercial microtakaful through community cooperation, Elderly Care Centres, both from NGOs and privately registered centres have been cooperating with JKM to describe the value and importance of increasing understanding as well awareness of microtakaful. At the same time, microtakaful schemes need to make product design improvements to be relevant and appropriate for senior citizens, especially in terms of target schemes and supply channels.



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Temu bual

Responden 1 (Ketua Penolong Pengarah Kanan, Bahagian Warga Emas (Cawangan Perkhidmatan Institusi), Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat), dalam temu bual beliau bersama penulis pada 22 November 2018.

Responden 2 (Penolong Pengarah, Bahagian Kebajikan Produktif, Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat), dalam temu bual beliau bersama penulis pada 22 November 2018.

Responden 3 (Ketua Penolong Pengarah, Bahagian Komuniti (Cawangan Pertubuhan Sukarela Kebajikan), Jabatan Kebajikan Masyarakat), dalam temu bual beliau bersama penulis pada 13 Februari 2019.

Responden 4 (Penganalisis, Jabatan Perbankan Islam dan Takaful, Bank Negara Malaysia), dalam temu bual beliau bersama penulis pada 15 Februari 2019.

Responden 5 (Penolong Pengurus, Jabatan Pemasaran Produk, AIA Public Takaful), dalam temu bual beliau bersama penulis pada 6 Mei 2019.

Responden 6 (Ketua, Jabatan Takaful Mikro dan CSR, Prudential BSN Takaful), dalam temu bual beliau bersama penulis pada 15 Mei 2019.

Responden 7 (Pengurus, Jabatan Takaful Mikro dan CSR (Produk), Prudential BSN Takaful), dalam temu bual beliau bersama penulis pada 15 Mei 2019.

Responden 8 (Pengurus, Jabatan Takaful Mikro dan CSR (CSR), Prudential BSN Takaful), dalam temu bual beliau bersama penulis pada 15 Mei 2019.

Responden 9 (Timbalan Presiden, Jabatan Bancatakaful, Takaful Ikhlas), dalam temu bual beliau bersama penulis pada 12 Jun 2019.



How to Cite

Kamal, A., Sulaiman@Mohamad, A. A., & Mohamad, M. T. (2019). ADAKAH RELEVAN PENAWARAN TAKAFUL MIKRO KEPADA WARGA EMAS BERSAMA JABATAN KEBAJIKAN MASYARAKAT (JKM)? Is It Relevant to Offer Microtakaful to the Elderly in Cooperation with the Department of Social Welfare (JKM)?. Jurnal Syariah, 27(3), 389–434.

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