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张泰忠 Thai Chong TEO
潘碧丝 Pik Shy FAN





关键词:年红, 马华文学, 华文儿童文学, 儿童观, 成人本位

Children's Literature Creation of Nian Hong Under the Perspective of Adult


Nian Hong is an established Children’s Literature author of Malaysia, actively publishing since Malaysia’s independence in 1957 till today. With 86 Children’s Literature works under his belt, he has been actively promoting Malaysian Chinese Children’s Literature and founded the Literary Arts Research Association of South Malaya. His contributions to the field garnered praise and affirmation by domestic and international institutions, with him being invited to deliver lectures on the topic of Children’s Literature in various countries. Through close reading, this text attempts to analyse the child characters in Nian Hong’s stories, investigate how his works are educating its young readers through the perspective of an adult, explore the reasons behind him shaping characters morality from the expectations of traditional Chinese culture and how writing from the adult perspective influenced the field of Malaysian Children's Literature in that era.

Keywords: Nian Hong, Malaysian Chinese literature, Chinese children’s literature, child’s point of view, perspective of adult


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